Wow, talk about being in the middle. Frequently Blue Planet is trusted to perform installations when aquarium manufacturers across the country sell jobs locally. But when a manufacturer from Seattle called the same day as a manufacturer from New York who were both asking us take care of some really neat installations at a pair of local Nordstrom department stores, I couldn’t believe it. Each store was receiving the same aquariums. The aquarium from Seattle, a “half round” acrylic 200 gallon salt water fish tank with custom coral inserts was to be installed in the children’s shoe department. The other aquarium from New York, a glass 240 gallon rectangle saltwater fish tank featured white decorative corals as well as white gravel to keep a theme as it was installed behind the (also all white) Lamer makeup counter. The installations were performed within a week of each other and went off seamlessly. Each aquarium features wet dry filtration, ultraviolet sterilizers, micron mechanical filters and protein skimmers as well as being temperature controlled.
The aquariums are serviced on a weekly basis as the store remains open for nearly 12 hours a day which means the aquarium lights must remain on that long as well, which is quite conducive to growing algae. The aquarium service also is performed early in the morning before the store opens which means some long days for the service techs at Blue Planet, but they’re up to the task.
-Jon Wolf